Friday, March 19, 2010

Master Cleanse Diaries - Day 3

I just read somewhere that says you need to take in about 3 and a half lemons and 140ml of Maple Syrup a day. That makes up to barely 5 glasses if you based on the 140ml of maple syrup as you need 30ml for each glass of lemonade. But if you based on 3 and a half lemons, there are 315ml of juice (i measured there are 3 tablespoons/45ml of juice in half a lemon) which is 10 and a half glasses! I just did the maths while typing this, realising it's confusing. The proportion of lemon juice and maple syrup is suppose to be the same in a glass of lemonade. (2 Tablespoons each) So how's that suppose to be 3 and a half lemon and 140ml of maple syrup for a day?

I'll make sure i have at least 6 glasses of lemonade a day, just to be safe, I'll follow the book's instructions. I've been going everywhere with my phone, keep looking at the time and making notes with it so I'd transfer everything here.

This morning I woke up at 5:45am and felt my tummy aching. That kind that tells you need to go to the loo fairly soon. I hate that feeling!!

Here's a trick i discovered: Use a stronger taste mint toothpaste to brush your teeth in the morning directly BEFORE you do your SWF. I don't know how are you gonna find out which brand of toothpaste has stronger mint taste but, while brushing, use your tongue to "lick" the bubbled toothpaste and let it "soak" for awhile. You'll find the Salt Water taste milder and easier to gulp them down... At least for me.

I've been using Pearl's Drop toothpaste for about 3 months now and it doesn't come with a strong mint, really light. So when i used Darlie, i find it really strong for me.

Anyway, saw my tongue started coating from yesterday. It's yellow/cheezy. hmm... Is it because of the lemonade?? The tongue coating is one of the Detox Symptoms for the cleanse. And i felt really thirsty today. Also, i have not loss a single pound which is worrisome. What if the cleanse does not work for Asians?? I thought so because i assume most of us do not do the S.A.D (Standard American Diet). Or is it because I'm having too little lemonade?? I'm really worried. I have asked in the forum, just have to wait for some experts to reply.

Update: They say I'm drinking too little lemonade. I'll make sure i have enough from today onwards!!

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